This three-part series, based on a workshop with renowned author Mary Ellen Copeland, presents simple, effective, and non-invasive self-help strategies for anyone dealing with emotional, behavioral, or psychological challenges.
Full Description:
This DVD is for use by individuals, agencies, organziations, classes and libraries. This three-part series, based on a workshop with renowned author Mary Ellen Copeland, presents simple, effective, and non-invasive self-help strategies for anyone dealing with emotional, behavioral, or psychological challenges. This workshop provides useful information about how to get well and stay well. It is invaluable for in-service trainings and for self-help and support groups. All three sessions - previously sold individually on VHS - are on one DVD. For ease of use, the workshop may be viewed in its entirety without interruption or each session and even each topic may be viewed individually. Session #1 - Key Concepts for Mental Health offers an introduction to the underlying principles of Mary Ellen Copeland's recovery model. Lively and insightful discussions include: hope, personal responsibility, education, self-advocacy, support, health care, and managing medication use. (52 minutes) Session #2- The Wellness Toolbox introduces the concept of Wellness Tools simple actions that anyone can use to feel better and to stay well. Participants discuss with Mary Ellen how to create a personal 'Toolbox' for their own use in times of stress or when they are feeling badly. The workshop is organized into various topics including reaching out for support, peer counseling, focusing, relaxation, stress reduction, and journaling. (28 minutes) Session #3 - Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) provides a simple system for monitoring and managing mental health difficulties. In this session Mary Ellen discusses with the group the steps to developing a WRAP. Participants both learn and share personal strategies for dealing with daily maintenance issues, triggering events, early warning signs, when things are breaking down, crisis and post crisis issues. (32 minutes) "CREATING WELLNESS is the leading edge of mental health education. This extraordinary program shows how you can overcome hopelessness and helplessness to take charge of your own recovery, how you can find the support and resources you need, and how to chart a course back to wellness. This is a program full of compassionate help by someone who's been to the far side of depression and back and knows what she's talking about." Matthew McKay, Ph.D. Co-founder and Publisher, New Harbinger Publications Author, The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook