Anti-Bullying: A Drama Resource Penny Casdagli This novel drama-based pack explains the link between bullying and self-esteem. Exercises, stories and techniques place emphasis on rehearsing practical and positive solutions to the problem of bullying.
Case Material & Role Plays in Counseling Training Janet Toland & Susan Lendrum This long awaited answer to the demand for an accessible and practical guide for trainers and educators. It offers help in designing a course and ideas for livening group sessions, with clear explanations of why, when and how to use case and role play material.
Drama Personal Social Education Ruth Hilton and Claire Hill Drama is an exciting teaching method which allows young people to explore their own and others' ideas, attitudes and feelings. Personal and social education provides many opportunities for the use of drama in the classroom.
Emotion Colorcards These cards are designed to promote awareness of feelings and are an ideal tool to help develop self-expression.
Getting the Picture David Nash This book is brimming with thought-provoking illustrations of different people in different places, all of which are accompanied by a series of questions designed to encourage prediction and inference skills.
Role Plays Cards for Social Skills Bring social skills to life by trying out activities through role-play before the real-life situations are faced.
Role Plays for Assertiveness Training Sue Bishop This rich collection of ready-made role play material designed to reinforce assertiveness training. Each technique used is introduced with an explanation, sample dialogues and handouts listing relevant do's and don't's.
Smoking, Alcohol and Party Drugs Role Play and Drama Activities Pauline Maskell This resource will give you options for developing healthy relaxation skiills, provide factual information on substances, explore feelings, reactions and issues of self-esteem.