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Shyness & Social Anxiety Workbook

by Martin Anthony, Ph.D. & Richard Swinson, M.D.

This workbook provides cognitive-behavioral therapy in an intensive, self-directed program that helps readers conquer their fears and live lives no longer controlled by fear and anxiety.

Full Description:   

Social anxiety disorder is the fear of situations that involve interaction with other peopleranging from the performance anxiety that terrifies someone when they are scheduled to appear in front of an audience, to the shyness that leads to withdrawal from contact at a casual social event. For those who suffer from this disorder, social situations bring on automatic feelings of self-consciousness and excessive fear of being judged, evaluated, or scrutinizedleading to feelings of inadequacy, embarrassment, humiliation, and depression.

The good news is not only that social anxiety is treatable, but that the success rate has shown to be that 80% achieve some benefit using cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques. The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook provides just this type of cognitive-behavioral therapy in an intensive, self-directed program that helps readers conquer their fears and live lives no longer controlled by fear and anxiety. The authors include up-to-date information on medication treatments and provide skill-building exercises to help readers improve communication, feel confident about public speaking, and develop new relationships.

216 pages; 7 X 10;soft bound


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Product Code:  75-53 List Price:  $21.99
GSA Price:  $19.79 Qty:        « Add to Cart