by by Kenneth J. Doka, Ph.D. and Joyce D. Davidson
This volume examines the ways in which these key aspects of identity affect how individuals grieve. Specifically explored are the effects of such variables as culture, spirituality, age and developmental level, class and gender on the ways individuals grieve.
Full Description:
Many factors influence how individuals experience and adapt to loss. Among these are the nature of the loss, the relationship and attachment to the loss, the circumstances surrounding the loss, personal variables, and social variables. This volume examines the ways in which these key aspects of identity affect how individuals grieve. Specifically explored are the effects of such variables as culture, spirituality, age and developmental level, class and gender on the ways individuals grieve. The book will serve to remind caregivers that special consideration should be paid to such variables in working with clients and designing interventive and supportive programs. Additionally, the book offers reassurance to survivors of loss, reminding them of the many reasons their grief is unique. This book was produced as a companion to the Hospice Foundation of America's fifth annual National Bereavement Teleconference. Table of Contents - Foreward; Jack D. Gordon.
- Acknowledgments.
- Introduction, Kenneth J. Doka.
- Spirituality, Loss, and Grief.
- Asian Ways of Grief, Dennis Klass and Robert E. Gross.
- What You Always Wanted to Know about Your Jewish Clients' Perspectives Concerning Death and Dying - But Were Afraid to Ask, Earl A. Grollman.
- Christians in Grief, Stephen D. McConnell.
- Grief: A Muslim Perspective, Shukria Alimi Raad.
- Ethnicity and Culture.
- Grief in the American Culture, Dana G. Cable.
- Looking through Different Eyes: Beyond Cultural Diversity, Sherry E. Showalter.
- Sociocultural Considerations for Working with Blacks Experiencing Loss and Grief, Ronald Keith Barrett.
- Developing Cultural Competency, Lynne Ann DeSpelder.
- Varied Experience: Gender, Development, Class, and Cultural Influences on Grief.
- Dying and Grieving in the Inner City, Patricia A. Murphy and David M. Price.
- Gender Differences in Bereavement Expression across the Life Span, Catherine M. Sanders.
- Revisiting Masculine Grief, Terry Martin and Kenneth J. Doka.
- Developmental Perspectives on Grief and Mourning, Charles A. Corr.
- Helping Individuals with Developmental Disabilities, Claire Lavin.
- The World of the Deaf Community, Frank R. Zieziula.
- Sexual Orientation and Grief. Ron E. Wilder.
- Cultural Aspects of Peer Support: An Examination of one Program's Experience, Bonnie Carroll. IV.
- Making Sense out of Loss.
- Dimensions of Diversity in the Reconstruction of Meaning, Robert A. Neimeyer and Nancy J. Keesee.
- Deciding What is Right When We are so Different, David M. Price.
- Multicultural Grief Counseling, Richard R. Ellis.
- Healing Rituals: Powerful and Empowering, Alice Parsons Zulli.
- The Wounded Healer: A Transcultural Perspective, Douglas C. Smith.
- Conclusion, Joyce D. Davidson.
- Resource Organizations.
- References.
300 pages; soft bound
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